
•Gun dog training
•Field trial dogs
•Obedience only
•Puppy program $400/2
•Boarding only $25/day
Boarding with exercise
•Special Long term rates
bird dog training okadale.
california (209) 847-6338


Every dog is on probation for the first month. During this month the owner is informed if his dog does not seem to have the basic motivation, is not physically sound, or for some other reason not considered a good prospect. Owners are kept informed with monthly progress reports.
Our methods stress repetition. Training situations are controlled so that the dog makes few mistakes and is not subjected to endless corrections. Most dogs rapidly learn to enjoy these routines and respond willingly to the demands made on them.
Our Staff
Sheldon, who holds a doctorate in social sciences and a B.S. in physics, is a former member of the University of California faculty. Barbara Twer has a degree in psychology and extensive background in clinical health care. Our knowledge and skills have enabled us to apply modern behavior shaping techniques in a well balanced program that gives the consistent results that our owners can count on.

Dogs in our program experience bird contacts every day and have at least one opportunity to honor some other dog’s bird work. Over the course of training each dog has contact with well over 100 birds- a number of which are shot for him. Each dog is schooled daily in obedience and force training. He is typically worked 3 times a day. Our daily program is adjusted to the individual’s temperament and capabilities. Each dog has his own individualized training program.

At Twer Kennels, we offer a variety of training options like gundog training, field trial dog training, obedience training etc. We have a wide range of experience and can tailor a training program to fit your needs.
Our dogs are housed in modern chain linked sheltered concrete runs-each with his own dog house; they are attended throughout the day by a dedicated staff. Every dog at our kennel is required to be current on DHL, Parvo, and Rabies shots. All external and internal parasites are eliminated. Dogs are put on a quality meat and bone meal kibble supplemented with fresh meat

Basic training takes about 3 to 4 months for the average dog. Dogs that are 10-12 months old are usually ready for training. We do have a puppy program for starting younger dogs.
When he is finished he will respond to voice or whistle; be steady to wing and shot; retrieve on command to hand. He will heel quietly on lead, and be controllable in and out of the field. AFTER
Before the dog goes home, we instruct the owner in how to maintain the training, keep the dog in good physical condition, and sensible ways to begin hunting with his dog.
Because we realize that a dog’s handling and maintenance after finishing basic training is an important factor in his becoming a fine gun dog, we consider our follow-up program essential:
•Owners are given a training session and a typed set of instructions.
•Owners are asked to phone or correspond with us periodically to report their dog’s progress.
•Owners sometimes need to return for further instruction.
We offer optional annual review and conditioning sessions for trained dogs